Whether you will read this letter or not I will write it anyway.
I just thought I should tell you that you are being childish with the way you are handling the issue between the UK and Malawi.
Your diplomat was damn wrong. He had come to Malawi to do a job and he did that job wrong. The British government sent him to be a friend of Malawi and not to play politics or to police or to govern Malawi on your behalf. He got carried away a bit too much and thought he was in control. As the foreign secretary who once had ambitions to vie for the Prime Minister’s job you are supposed to know that. You don’t need to be an anthropologist for you to know that the letter he wrote you and purposely leaked was undiplomatic. If it was someone else I would have be okay but this guy is the head of your mission. Unless you seriously think you are the boss in Malawi as well, face it William, you are off the trolley.
Things in this world these days are not as they were during the colonial era nor as they like they were during Margaret Thatcher. The world is moving and is moving fast. The future cannot be predicted. The last thing that you should expect from countries like Malawi that are considered a nonentity is to be bulldozed by a donor super power. Those day are fast becoming history.
Like you we can fill the vibes that days of donor this donor that are coming to an end. Your economy if we are to be honest, sooner or later might not be able to sustain that. We need the help but much more than that we need the space to champion our own course. Help us in that by giving us the money and letting us be.
Here are a few things for you to consider, night sound simple but I know what I am talking about. If you cannot consider them now as you go about your job, please keep them so that you can come back to me later and say you told me:
1. The bombing of Libya will soon backfire. Africa will become a very important variable and the little Malawi is in there with a voice.
2. China is indeed coming in strong. Out of Malawi it is creating consumers of its product. Other countries in the region will marvel on the success. You will be forced to remain in EU and negotiate as equals with the rest that will not be with China. (You will soon lose your international leverage)
3. The commonwealth will be questioned
4. London will be avoided by the world
5. The Olympics will not be as appealing
6. The colonial picture that Britain would rather do away with will be sold even more. The great job your queen performed among the Irish will be for nothing.
7. Britain and Malawi has a history, though in some part is not pleasant but to be honest in most parts it has been great. You William in your short sightedness, you are messing it up.
There is more I can tell you but the point is you are being childish. If it was Gordon Brown I am sure he would have handled it a bit different. In fact miss Gordon Brown on behalf of the British people because of your silly actions.
You can take back as much aid as you want but your messing about with our relationship with the British people is unacceptable. We don’t care about the money, you can keep it. We care about our relationship with the Scots more especially, the Irish and the Welsh.
I will write more.
Ndirande Love
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